Advanced Computer Technology– First Round

In March 2022, as usual IEEE YP Egypt always does its best to enhance our skills and to be prepared up to date with the market technologies. Part of our partnership with ACT (Advanced Computer Technology) since last year, ACT decided to build new success in another chapter by trusting IEEE YP Egypt fresh graduates (0-1) years of experience to be the main engine for the new program ACT Tech Gurus Academy that will be initiated for [Communication, Computer, Electronics, Networking, Mechatronics, Mechanical, …etc.] Engineering and Computer Science.
The program was full-time paid training for 6 months, the evaluation will be considered during the training and by the end of the training, talented members will be welcome to be hired and join ACT talented team. This program was for IEEE YP Egypt volunteers ONLY while Accommodation is not covered, and if you are from outside Cairo, you have to provide Accommodation. This first phase of the training, we provided +100 qualified trainer to ACT.