Agrihackathon 2022
The 1st IEEE CAS Agriculture 4.0 Hackathon

Agriculture is one of the oldest and most essential sources of livelihood that meets the nutritional needs of humans and living things. While agriculture is vital for continuing our lives, humankind prepares its end by shrinking and inefficient agricultural lands.
Using technology to try to prevent this is a great opportunity!
At the 1st IEEE CAS Agriculture 4.0 Hackathon, we discuss how to make agriculture more efficient and prevent unconscious agriculture from meeting the needs of the increasing human population with smart agricultural practices. Also, we will have several environmental challenges which face in Egypt and make a competition to propose innovative solutions and prototypes from Egyptian students and young professionals.
The first IEEE CAS Agriculture 4.0 Hackathon is aimed at students and young professionals from all universities in Egypt. This Agriculture 4.0 hackathon objective is for participants to form multidisciplinary teams that can cover different areas of technology development in the Agriculture 4.0 Egyptian challenges.