The North Africa Student and Young Professional Congress (NASYP 2023)

IEEE Egypt Section had been known for its pioneering role since its establishment in 1955 to be the SECOND IEEE Section in Region 8, and IEEE Egypt Section is not only a section with a great history but also an effective role in the current engineering society, which supports by providing technical and non-technical activities throughout its different OUs, to make sure of the continuity of its pioneering role of serving society, and due to its pioneering role in the Region, IEEE Egypt Section and IEEE YP Egypt will host the IEEE North Africa Student and Young Professional Congress (NASYP 2023) this summer.
NASYP 2023 Aims
- North Africa Student & Young Professional Congress (NASYP) is aiming to bring some of the youngest and talented IEEE members and volunteers from the north Africa sections together to share their experiences and discuss the on-going advancements in technology.
- NASYP 2022 focuses on hosting sessions and networking activities for the IEEE members and volunteers to learn, network and discuss with experts from all over Region 8.
- Keeping the idea in mind, NASYP will be focused on providing a platform to network, train leaders of tomorrow and share thoughts on technological advancements for a sustainable future.
NASYP 2023 Dates
- From August 25-27 August 2023